Demonologist Abandoned House Secrets

The Abandoned House in Demonologist is an interesting map that holds quite a bit of secrets underneath its rough exterior. There are some cleverly hidden Easter eggs that you’ll find if you look close enough—that is, if you’re brave enough to venture through its many hidden secrets.

Read ahead as we walk you through all the secrets you can find in the abandoned house in Demonologist.

What secrets are in the Abandoned House in Demonologist?

There are unique Easter eggs that can be found in the Abandoned House map, which are as follows:

  • Play Ball: On the chair in a hallway is a picture with a text, complete the sentence written which is “do you want to play BALL with me” and a ball will roll towards you from the darkness.
  • Library Jumpscare: There is a large picture on the floor with the words “Magna” on it. Say the word on your mic and take three steps back. Prepare for a jumpscare.
  • Secret Bedroom Passageway: On the wall in the back there is a desk with the word “Victoria” written on its surface. Say the name and the desk will disappear along with the wall revealing a passageway. At the end of the passageway there is a door with the word “Dream” written on it. Say the word and it’ll open and music will play before closing again. You can open the door again by saying “my name is Anger.”
  • Ghost Exorcism: You can exorcise the ghost in the Abandoned House after finding all five fingers hidden in the house. You can check out our guide for how to exorcise spirits in Demonologist for how to do this exactly.
  • Demonologist Abandoned House Secrets
  • The Abandoned House secrets can usually be found in writings along the wall. Saying these out loud to your microphone will cause something to happen. The same goes for the other maps, which have their own Easter eggs, which include even the safe houses. We hope you have a steel heart because many of these secrets hidden in plain sight can be pretty scary.

    Those are all the Abandoned House secrets in Demonologist. We hope you found something interesting in this guide of ours. For more features, news, and guides, feel free to check out our other Demonologist articles.

    For a tour of the Abandoned House itself, this Youtube video from Tsar has you covered.

  • The Abandoned House secrets can usually be found in writings along the wall. Saying these out loud to your microphone will cause something to happen. The same goes for the other maps, which have their own Easter eggs, which include even the safe houses. We hope you have a steel heart because many of these secrets hidden in plain sight can be pretty scary.

    Those are all the Abandoned House secrets in Demonologist. We hope you found something interesting in this guide of ours. For more features, news, and guides, feel free to check out our other Demonologist articles.

    For a tour of the Abandoned House itself, this Youtube video from Tsar has you covered.